Ancient Delights
Sorry that these post are rather out of date! We have been travelling long distances most days to get to where we wanted to be so haven't had much time to stop in libraries along the way. But we found some internet where we are parked up tonight - in a wind swept corner on the Isle of Skye, though this story is about when we were still in England. Keep looking out for a new post about Scotland soon! The Lake District The farm on which I grew up in Nelson is named Rivington, and our ancestors originally came out of England in the 1840’s on one of the boats to the newly purchased land where my parents still live today. On our way up to Scotland we found we were in the vicinity to visit what we assume must be the Rivington of England that our farm was named after. It was a small little village consisting mostly of farmland, but with some very grand buildings, including a manor and a Pike, (a large conical monument on top of a mountain) a church, cafe, some gorgeous old sto...