Perfect Timing

The Leaning tower of Pisa
On Saturday we were off to Florence so that we could park up on the outskirts, get up super early the next day, and bike into the center so we could join the cue for the museum of Florence. (We had heard that all national museums in Italy are free on the first Sunday of every month.) And then Joy of Joys... we would be going to Lucca to stay with friends Kate and Sam in a villa!!! We had been looking forward to this moment for so very long. It was often heard in the camper "Oh, I can't wait to get there!" (this is months prior!), "how long to go till we're there?" and "How long are we going to stay there again?" Sam and Kate are kiwis who we know from Motueka (they just live 5 mins down the road) but now live in Munich, and they have three children similar ages to ours so it was much anticipated that the girls will have some mates after so long.

An outside dinner at Villa Checco

View from the window

Poupe our camper had been going so well, with no big trouble, but it was once he was on home ground (an Italian made Fiat) that he decided he'd like to stay here and have a break. We were about 4 hours from Florence, but closer to Lucca (La Spezia), when all of sudden on the road the clutch cable snapped! Oh dear!
We pulled into a drive-way of a hotel and rang the insurance. We were all pessimistically thinking, "Typical! Just as we're almost in Lucca something like this happens and now we can't get there at all!" But actually, Poupe's breakdown ended up not being too troublesome at all. -Yes, it was a little worrying for a bit there, (we did at this stage ask God to help the situation flow as best that it could), and so the insurance we had sorted everything out. They contacted a garage for us nearby, the mechanic came around and assessed the problem and got a tow-truck sorted. Funnily, the place we broke down was all within walking distance to both a toilet, and a supermarket, which we'd been trying to reach all day! Insurance also told us they would pay for a taxi for us to get to our next accomodation, and if the repairs took longer, then they would get us another mode of transport too!
We ended up getting the taxi to Lucca straight away instead of seeing Florence that day, and arriving a day early to the Villa in Lucca, where Sam and Kate already were. Luckily they were still happy to see us even though we were early! It was all perfect timing really. If we were going to have a breakdown, that really was the best time - still in a city, close to Lucca, gaining us an extra day there, and an air-conditioned taxi there too!

We've been relaxing in the lap of luxury here, enjoying not travelling for a bit and sleeping in a comfortable bed with a fan! There is even a swimming pool for us all to enjoy and spending time with other people is wonderful.
Noa relaxing in the garden

We've had some day trips around Lucca and Pisa, - Sam being a sainted taxi driver, ferrying loads of us back and forth. After the weekend, the camper was fixed within the two days so Josh went back to La Spezia to pick it up, and now we've been able to use both cars to get out and about.

One evening Esmae looked after the children for us and we adults went out for a wonderful dinner in Pisa, and then on to a classical music concert in an open fresco museum right next to the cathedral, basilica and leaning tower. It was wonderful to be in such a setting listening to beautiful music. Such a treat! I think we'll all be feeling refreshed to get back on the road again by Saturday.

Leaning tower

The open fresco museum


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