Resting up

Josh in one of the Piazzas in Lucca. This is the famous circular one that once was an arena when it was outside the cities walls.

These last few days in Lucca have been just divine. We've mostly stayed at home in the house Kate and Sam have rented, which is very spacious and cool. It has been so wonderful to stay put after moving around so much! But we have also enjoyed seeing Pisa (only about 15 mins drive from here) and Lucca city, which is only about 10 mins. Here are some pictures of our week so far.

We got our bikes out and the Ng's hired a crocodile bike which we rode around Lucca's city walls. Very fun!
A beautiful house I saw from the wall.

We went for a beautiful walk just down the road from where we are staying. It was super hot, but the country air was buzzing with warm summery aromas. Fabulous!

Look at these amazing snails! This fence line was covered with them, big and small (can you see those tiny ones?).
I think they climb up there to get away from the heat on the ground.

Through the flowers in the field, you can see the church tower and old Tuscan style buildings.


  1. Great coverage guys thank God clutch breakdown in good spot. Better that than in the middle of nowhere. Italy certainly has its charm. Lots of love from a rainy South Island..

  2. oh it's so wistfully wonderful to travel with you :) . Your commentary along with beautiful photos has drawn me into dreamworld, both reminiscing and exploring new sites. Your faith in God's goodness and providence is carrying you wonderfully together through challenges and into those sublime appointments on your wonder-filled adventure. love to you all.

  3. And.... I've finally caught up with blog-reading! Absolutely fantastic reading your stories Tamz! I can almost taste/smell/feel it:-)) Europe has never looked so good! Here's to us enjoying through your eyes and you guys enjoying in the flesh!! Lots of love from Tumut XX


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