Goodbye Australia

The time came around too quickly for me to say goodbye to Australia - the country I had very quickly come to enjoy very much.
If you are a nature lover you will really love Australia - there is always so much to see!

Thank you to our lovely family for your generous hospitality, kindness and time you have taken to show us around your neck of the woods. Our memories and photos of our time in Australia will definitely spur us on to visit again as soon as we can.
Howard showing us some Plantain bananas growing
at Misty

A Wallaby with her Joey-
She was grazing outside on the lawn 

The 4wd track we took to visit the original retreat site

One of the amazing vegan breakfasts Evelyn cooked up for us!

The view at the bottom of the drive at Howard and Evelyn's place.
Looking down on the vege patch. Further on is the little cottage
we stayed in.
Howard and Evelyn drove us to Port Macquarie on the day we were to catch the train to Brisbane.  We visited the Koala hospital for Koalas who have been found ill or hurt. Some are brought in because of being caught in bushfires, hit by cars or illness. Occasionally they get mauled by dogs too. They are on the 'at risk' list for endangered animals now.

This Koala is being fed his daily vitamins

A Koala at the Koala hospital we visited in Port Macquarie
This is how they sleep!

A cockatoo on the wires outside the Brinkman's house

Galahs near Abigail's house.
These birds mate for life and live for 40 years
Karsten looking out over Port Macquaries' ocean


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