To Leerdam

 After leaving Nancy on the first night we saw her we decided to pop down the road to find the local freedom camping sight which eneding up being in Leerdam instead of Goringchem (about 20 mins away) which was just fine really cause the drive was exquisite.  The road takes you along the top of the dyke with old farm houses, farmland and wetlands on either side.

 We found our camping site on the outskirts of Leerdam which turned out to be only a five min bike ride to the city centre where we are now - at the library doing school work and I'm writing this blog.
This is our camper parked at the river for the night.
The girls exploring the river where we parked up.

We all woke up fairly cheery this morning and enjoyed eating our first breakfast in the camper. We even managed to do a wee bible study and pray together which is a routine I want to establish now that we are on the road. It helped the day to start off well and got us talking and laughing together.
We even did some hand washing outside and hung it out to dry on our new clothes rack! It felt good!

Below are some pictures of us that I haven't found space for so far. Some of those nice quality ones(directly below) Klaske took! She's a great photographer.

In Den Bosch

This is on one of our first walks looking out over the moor

At a lake yesterday near Leerdam. We spent a very relaxing afternoon in the shade.

The church in Goringchem. Yes that tower is crooked! It slumped
only a few years after they built it back in the 1500's (I think..)

Had to include this- my newest little friend Jella
 - Daniel and Glencora's little boy. He is soooo sweet!!

Tonight we'll spend our last night here in Leerdam before going to Rotterdam where Josh spent most of his teen years. He has organised a primary school reunion there! So that will be interesting!
Will write again in a few days.


  1. Thank you Tamsin, I have enjoyed reading this so much, and the photos are wonderful ❤️❤️

  2. Spent some time reading about your lovely travels today. Made me smile a lot reading your posts, made me feel I was listening to you. Glad you are having a wonderful time. Lots of love Lily

  3. Great photos and story telling Tamsin an adventure you all wirh never forget! Great to see a lot of the old spots looking so beautiful. Enjoy

  4. I am loving reading your travel summaries! It looks so beautiful and almost whimsical over there. I am glad the first night in the camper van went well x


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